I'm a political scientist specialising in the politics of taxation and informal institutions, the political economy of development, and conflict and statebuilding.

I am a Research Fellow at the International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD) based at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (University of Toronto). At the ICTD, I lead the research programme on informality and tax with Max Gallien

I am also an Honourary Associate at the Institute of Development Studies, an Individual Member at WIEGO (Women in Informal Employment Globalizing and Organizing), and a Fellow at the Centre on Armed Groups. Previously, I was a Fellow at the Governance and Local Development Institute, Institute of Municipal Finance and Governance and Massey College.

I completed a PhD in Political Science at the University of Toronto and have mixed methods, qualitative, and experimental research experience. I am the recipient of the Vincent Lemieux prize, recognizing the best PhD thesis in political science in Canada (2019-2020), and I received honourable mention for the African Politics Conference Group Lynne Rienner Best Dissertation Award (2022). In 2020,  I was named one of the TaxCOOP's 35 leaders of the future

For interest in collaboration or to view my CV,  please contact me directly. My pronouns are she/ her. 



Google scholar: Vanessa van den Boogaard