Journal articles

The taxed informal economy: Fiscal burdens and inequality in Accra

With Nana Akua Anyidoho, Max Gallien, and Mike Rogan (2025) World Development (open access).

Tax reform coalitions for urban development: The politics of property tax reform in Sierra Leone

(Forthcoming 2025) Environment and Urbanization.

Zakat, non-state welfare provision and redistribution in times of crisis: Evidence from the Covid-19 pandemic

With Max Gallien and Umair Javed (2024) Studies in Comparative International Development   (open access).

A disease of air-conditioned rooms: Gendered geographies and vaccine hesitancy among informal workers in Lahore

With Max Gallien, Umair Javed, and Shandana Mohmand (2024) Development and Change 54(6): 1504-1527.

The politics of taxation and tax reform in times of crisis: Covid-19 and attitudes towards taxation in Sierra Leone

With Nicolas Orgeira Pillai and Wilson Prichard (2024) Journal of Development Studies 60(2): 196-216.

Cash transfers, informal taxation, and community participation: Evidence from south-central Somalia

With Fabrizio Santoro and Michael Walker (2023) Social Policy and Administration  57(7): 1181-1198 (open access).

A tax by any other name? Conceptions and perceptions of taxation across languages

With Ane Karoline Bak Foged (2023) Journal of Modern African Studies 61, 2: 303-315 (open access).

Formalisation and its discontents: Conceptual fallacies and ways forward

With Max Gallien (2023) Development and Change 54, 3: 490-513.

Tax and governance in rural areas: The implications of inefficient tax collection

With Rachel Beach (2023) Journal of International Development 35, 7: 1892-1912 (open access).

Mobile money taxation and informal workers: Evidence from Ghana's E-levy

With Nana Akua Anyidoho, Max Gallien, and Mike Rogan (2023) Development Policy Review 41, 5: e12704.

Beyond greed: Why armed groups tax

With Tanya Bandula-Irwin,  Max Gallien, Ashley Jackson, and Florian Weigand (2022) Studies in Conflict & Terrorism.

Enabling tax bargaining: Supporting more meaningful tax transparency and taxpayer engagement in Ghana and Sierra Leone

With Wilson Prichard, Rachel Beach and Fariya Mohiuddin (2022) Development Policy Review 40,1: e12563.

Norms, networks, power and control: The multiple facets of informal cross-border trade practices in Sierra Leone

With Wilson Prichard and Samuel Jibao (2021) Journal of Borderlands Studies 36, 1: 77-97.

Informal taxation in Sierra Leone: Magnitudes, perceptions and implications

With Wilson Prichard and Samuel Jibao (2019) African Affairs 118, 471: 259-284.

Tax revenue mobilization in conflict-affected developing countries

With Wilson Prichard, Matthew Sterling Benson and Nikola Milicic (2018) Journal of International Development 30, 2: 345-64.

Book chapters

Gender and positionality: Opportunities, challenges, and ethical dilemmas in Ghana and Sierra Leone

(2019) in Max Kelly and Ruth Jackson (Eds) Women Researching in Africa: The Impact of Gender (Palgrave MacMillan).

Book reviews