Papers under review

Catch them if you can: The politics and practice of a taxpayer registration exercise (with Max Gallien and Giovanni Occhiali)

The politics of passage: Roadblocks, taxation, and control in conflict (with Max Gallien, Peer Schouten, Shalaka Thakur, and Florian Weigand)

The political economy of taxation in Somalia: Historical legacies, informal institutions, and political settlements (with Najibullah Nor Isak)

Informality, tax, and markets in Kinshasa: Everyday realities and everyday resistance (with Yannick Bokasola, Eddy Ngwakoyo, and Gayatri Sahgal)

Taxation and gender equity in support of the SDGs (with Anuradha Joshi, Jalia Kangave, and Sripriya Iyengar Srivatsa)

Informal taxes fill gaps in state crisis responses: Evidence from Sierra Leone during Covid-19 (with Wilson Prichard and Nicolas Orgeira)

Works in progress

Informal revenue generation and the state: Evidence from Sierra Leone (book manuscript)

Labour, tax, and development: Shifting norms around labour taxes from the colonial era to today 

Narrow Formalisation: Informal workers, Social Protection and Digital Registration in India (with Harshita Sinha and Max Gallien)

Informal revenue generation and statebuilding in the DRC  (with Gayatri Sahgal, Yannick Bokasola, and Caleb Jérémie Dohou)

The politics and practice of zakat in Pakistan: Implications for wealth taxation (with Max Gallien and Umair Javed)

The broken social contract: Coercion and credible commitment in Accra's informal sector (with Nana Akua Anyidoho, Max Gallien, and Mike Rogan)

Between God, the people and the state: Zakat (book manuscript) (with Max Gallien and Umair Javed)

Taxing the poor: Why it happens and how we stop it (book manuscript) (with Max Gallien)

Data collection in progress

The politics and practice of zakat in contemporary Pakistan: Implications for gender, equity, and wealth taxation (with Umair Javed and Max Gallien), 2024-25

Collection cost and revenue: Evaluating cost-effectiveness of administration of the tax stamp in Ghana (with Alex Kombat and Max Gallien), 2024-25

Traditional political institutions, taxation and statebuilding in Sierra Leone (with Kevin Grieco), 2024-26

Armed group taxation: A dataset (with Tanya Bandula-Irwin, Max Gallien, Ashley Jackson, and Florian Weigand), 2024-26

Services first: Trust and taxation in Accra's informal economy (with Nana Akua Anyidoho, Max Gallien, and Mike Rogan), 2024-29